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Rabu, 20 Juni 2012




1.1  Background of the Study
            Language is one of the most important things in communication and it is used as a toll of communication among the nations in all over the world. As an international language, English is very important and has many interrelationships with various aspects of life owned by human being. In Indonesia, English considered as the first foreign language and taught formally from elementary school up to the university level.
            In English, there are four skills that should be mastered, they are: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The reading skill became very important in the education field, students need to be exercised and trained in order to have a good reading skill.
            Reading is also something crucial and indispensable for the students because the success of their study depends on the greater part of their ability to read. If their reading skill is poor they are very likely to fail in their study or at least they will have difficulty in making progress. On the other hand, if they have a good ability in reading, they will have a better chance to succeed in their study.
            In reading, to comprehend the text the readers should be able to manage every part of the text, because it is easy to gain the comprehension in reading when the readers are able to organize the text. Sometimes, they may find form of pre-questioning and it is important for them to comprehend a reading text with having knowledge in general view of the text. Theoretically, pre-questioning itself can build the students’ interest and motivation before students read the whole text. Moreover, the students can predict what will be discussed on the text. In line with this study, students may improve their reading comprehension if they know about pre-questioning and it is very important to understand about pre-questioning in order to get good comprehension in reading.
            Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested in finding out the effects of treatment with pre-questioning and without pre-questioning on students’ reading comprehension achievement and concluded that the pre-questioning consist of some questions provided before the students read the whole text. It tends to build the students’ interest and motivation to read the text.

1.2  Problem of the Study
Based on the background of study above, the problem of the study is as follows:
1.      What is the effect of treatment with pre-questioning on the Reading Comprehension Achievement of the Second Grade Students of IPS classes at SMAN-2 Jekan Raya Palangkaraya in Academic year 2006/2007?”
2.      What is the effect of the student’s gender on the reading comprehension achievement of the second grade students of IPS classes at SMAN-2 Jekan Raya Palangkaraya in academic year 2006/2007?
3.      What is the effect of treatments and student’s gender on the reading comprehension achievement of the second grade students of IPS classes at SMAN-2 Jekan Raya Palangkaraya in academic year 2006/2007?

1.3  The Objective of the Study
The objectives of the study are:
1.      To find out the effect of treatment with pre-questioning on the reading comprehension achievement of the second grade student of IPS classes at SMAN-2 Jekan Raya Palangkaraya.
2.      To find out the effect of the student’s gender on the reading comprehension achievement of the second grade students of IPS classes of SMAN-2 Jekan Raya Palangkaraya in academic year 2006/2007
3.      To find out the interaction effect between treatment and student’s gender on the reading comprehension achievement of the second grade students of IPS classes at SMAN-2 Jekan Raya Palangkaraya in academic year 2006/2007.

1.4  Assumptions
In relation to the study, the writer states some assumptions as follows:
1.       Pre-questioning can help the students to comprehend the reading text.
2.       The students have been taught about how to identify the main idea and         supporting details of a paragraph and how to recognize kinds of text.

1.5  Hypothesis
The hypotheses of this study can be mastered alternative and null hypotheses. The hypotheses are, as follows:
1. Ha:   There is significant effect of treatment with pre-questioning and without pre-questioning on the reading comprehension achievement of the second grade students of IPS classes at SMAN-2 Jekan Raya Palangkaraya.
    Ho:   There is no significant effect of treatment with pre-questioning and without pre-questioning on the reading comprehension achievement of the second grade students of IPS classes at SMAN-2 Jekan Raya Palangkaraya.
2. Ha: There is significant effect of the student’s gender on the reading comprehension achievement of the second grade students of IPS classes of SMAN-2 Jekan Raya Palangkaraya.
     Ho: There is no significant effect of the student’s gender on the reading comprehension achievement of the second grade students of IPS classes of SMAN-2 Jekan Raya Palangkaraya.
3. Ha: There is significant effect of treatments with pre-questioning, without pre-questioning and student’s gender on the reading comprehension achievement of the second grade students of IPS classes at SMAN-2 Jekan Raya Palangkaraya.
    Ho:   There is no significant effect of treatments with pre-questioning, without pre-questioning and student’s gender on the reading comprehension achievement of the second grade students of IPS classes at SMAN-2 Jekan Raya Palangkaraya.

1.6  Delimitation of the Study
In this study, the writer delimits the study only to meet the effect of treatments (with pre-questioning, without pre-questioning) and students’ gender on the reading comprehension achievement of second grade students of IPS classes at SMA N-2 Jekan Raya Palangkaraya in academic year 2006/2007.

1.7   Limitation Of The Study
In this study, the writer only focuses the effects of treatment (with pre-questioning, without pre-questioning) and student’s gender on the students’ reading comprehension. It is conducted only for the second grade student of IPS classes of SMUN-2 Jekan Raya in Academic year 2006/2007.Thus, the result of this study only generalized or applied to the target population, specifically to the Second Grade Students of IPS classes of SMAN-2 Jekan Raya in Kodya Palangkaraya.    

1.8   Significance of the Study
The study is expected to be significance as follows:
1.      Giving a description about the effects of treatment with pre-questioning and without pre-questioning on the students’ reading comprehension achievement.
2.      To prove the result in reading comprehension scores between experimental and control classes of students’ gender (female and male) on the second grade students of IPS classes at SMA Negeri 2 Jekan Raya are different.
3.      Giving a reference to development of teaching learning process especially in reading, that pre-questioning can make the students’ reading comprehension will be better.
4.      Giving a contribution to the students how to improve their skill in comprehending about the reading text.
5.      Giving a profitable description to any further researcher which wants to study the same case, so this study becomes a helpful information and useful reference for the next study.

1.9  Clarification of Key Terms
There are some terms in this study that should be clarified, as follows:
            Some questions which are provided before the students read the whole text, in order to build the reading schemata and background knowledge of the students and also to rise their interest, and their cognitive aspect to predict what will faced by them in the next whole text.

Reading Comprehension
Theoretically, reading comprehension is a process of interaction between the reader with the text and the reader relates the idea from the text to prior experiences and their knowledge. In other words, comprehension is a process by which the reader constructs meaning by interacting with the text.
            In this study, reading comprehension achievement operationally defined as the students’ scores in comprehending the text on the reading comprehension tests, after having and without having the pre-questioning.     

SMAN-2 Jekan Raya
            It is clearly stated on the research problem that the SMAN-2 Jekan Raya is the location or site of the research.  

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